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MN Permit to Carry

The MN Permit to Carry Course provides the students* with the required knowledge and certification to become a MN permit to carry holder.

The MN Permit to Carry Course is 8 hours in length and includes classroom and range time. The course explains how to develop a personal protection plan, the basics of handguns**, Minnesota State Laws concerning the legal use of force, and essential gear. It covers everything a permit applicant is required to know in MN. Permit to Carry students can expect a clear overview of the fundamentals as well as direction for further training.

The class textbook Minnesota Permit to Carry a Firearm Fundamentals is not included in the price of the class. Students may borrow a Pro Carry Copy of the textbook or buy the book for an additional fee.

(The handbook is an EXCELLENT reference for MN Permit to Carry, and Pro Carry highly recommends the book.)

Included with the MN Permit to Carry class at NO additional cost to the student:

  1. Range Fees
  2. Ammunition
  3. Targets
  4. Lunch

Each student who completes the MN Permit to Carry course is awarded a certificate of completion.

Price: $100


*Students must be twenty one years of age to receive certidfication.

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